District Strategic Plan


In February of 2016, Carlinville CUSD#1 launched a comprehensive strategic planning process.   With the assistants of the Illinois Association of School Boards, parents, business owners, community members, teachers, board members, administration, support staff, and students participate in the strategic plan for the school district.  The comprehensive process resulted in a strategic plan designed to guide the district’s mission and vision. Five areas were identified by the group as areas of importance to the community, parents, staff, and most importantly the students served.  Those five areas touch every aspect of the District and are a guide by which we measure success. The strategic plan provides direction for future growth and continuous improvement. 

Carlinville CUSD#1 is a reflection of our stakeholders and are fortunate to have their support and insight during this process. 

Mission Statement

Carlinville CUSD#1 will provide a comprehensive educational program for all students in a safe environment supporting and inspiring learners of today, while fostering global leaders of tomorrow.  


Carlinville CUSD#1 District Goals

Goal 1:  Curriculum/Program/Student Success    

Carlinville CUSD#1 will provide  educational opportunities PreK-12+ that supports academic excellence, fosters problem-solving, addresses individual needs, maximizes social and emotional growth and develops global citizenship. 

Objective 1.1:  Whole Child Development

  • Indicator 1.1: Expansion of Social Emotional Support

Objective 1.2:  Expand Curricular Opportunities

  • Indicator 1.2:  AP, electives, career and technical, work experience, extracurricular, and mobile learning

Goal 2:  Personnel/Staff  

Carlinville CUSD#1 will recruit, hire, retain and support highly qualified faculty and staff that will serve students in a positive and professional manner.  

Objective 2.1:  Provide Professional Development for Staff

Objective 2.2:  Create Collaborative Working and Learning Environment

Objective 2.3:  Establish Social Emotional Support Mechanisms for Staff and Students

Objective 2.4:  Allocate Resources/Funds for Salaries and Support Services

Goal 3:  Communication -Internal/External  

Carlinville CUSD#1 will utilize various communication tools to communicate and foster strong partnerships with all internal and external stakeholders.

Objective 3.1:  Improve Communication among the Community by utilizing various methods of Communication

  • Indicator 3.1:  Create a Public Relations Position within the District
  • Indicator 3.1.1:  Utilize Social Media, Surveys, website, newspaper, and community meetings

Objective 3.2:  Improve Internal Communication: grade level, department, transition, and chain of command

  • Indicator 3.2:  Create an open, transparent and timely communication throughout all grade levels

Goal 4:  Facilities/Operations Services

Carlinville CUSD#1 will maintain facilities and operational services that provide a safe environment, allow equitable access, and support student, program and staff success. 

Objective 4.1:  Maintain a safe and clean facilities that comply with Health, Life, and Safety requirements.

Objective 4.2:  Providing educational technology, resources, furniture, tools, etc. (capital outlay) to meet educational needs.

Goal 5:  Finances

Carlinville CUSD #1 will seek and secure adequate resources to support quality programming for all students.

Objective 5.1:  Continuous engagement with the community to secure revenue streams through referendums