2021-2022 School Year

9/10/2021  A thank you to the Carlinville Community for being patient this week as we worked through some Covid-19 related concerns.  We had 9 positives from 9-3-21 to 9-9-21 which resulted in 6 classroom outbreaks and 81 students being impacted.  We have implemented a test to stay protocol to ensure those that qualify can remain at school and participate in activities.  


It is extremely important that students experiencing any symptoms such as:  Fever, new cough, difficulty breathing, sore throat, muscle aches, vomiting or diarrhea, or loss of taste and smell be kept at home until they can either be seen by a physician or test negative for COVID-19. The only way to limit the impact on school and others is to stay home when symptomatic or if you believe you have been exposed to someone that has tested positive for COVID-19.  


We want to stay in session and allow for students across all grade levels to have a great school year.  


Thank you for your support this week!